Waste landfill monitoring


Landfill fires are a problem for both the environment and the people living in their vicinity . Therefore, measures have been taken to effectively combat this problem. The owners of landfills must undertake to introduce additional safety measures at waste disposal yards, i.e. their monitoring. In 2019, a regulation was created defining the details of video surveillance systems in landfills. Let's take a look at the provisions specifying the requirements for a closed-circuit television system.

A. The inspection system provides image capture including:

1) the entire area of stored or deposited waste;
2) access roads located at the place of storage or storage of waste, up to a distance of 15 m from the outer edge of the stored or deposited waste;
2) an outer strip surrounding the stored or deposited waste, 5 m wide, and if the entity obliged to run the control system has a legal title to the strip less than 5 m wide – the outer belt surrounding the stored or deposited waste to the extent that the entity obliged to run the control system has a legal title to this belt.

B. In the case of storage or storage of waste on an area of more than 2 ha, the control system ensures image registration including:

1) a strip with a minimum width of 15 m measured horizontally from the outer edge of the stored or deposited waste to the inside;
2) access roads located at the place of storage or storage of waste, up to a distance of 15 m from the outer edge of the stored or deposited waste;
2) an outer strip surrounding the stored or deposited waste, 5 m wide, and if the entity obliged to run the control system has a legal title to the strip less than 5 m wide – the outer belt surrounding the stored or deposited waste to the extent that the entity obliged to run the control system has a legal title to this belt.

C. In the case of storage or storage of waste in a closed room, the control system ensures image registration including:

1) stored or stored waste to the border of the internal walls of this room, without a belt surrounding the stored or stored waste;
2) entrance and exit gate to this room.

D. In the case of storage or storage of waste in tanks, including silos, which are not adapted for people to stay in them, the control system ensures image registration including:

1) area within a radius of 5 m from the tank inlet or tank outlet, calculated from the tank inlet or tank outlet;
2) access roads located in the place of storage or storage of waste, up to a distance of 15 m from the tank

As for the devices themselves, the following requirements are specified:

1. Parameters of technical devices of the control system meet at least the requirements of PN-EN 62676-4: 2015-06 Video surveillance systems used in security – Part 4: Application guidance or standard to be superseded.
2. Daytime stationary cameras are used to record the image – night adjusting automatically to the prevailing lighting.
3. The image sent from the cameras is recorded in the recording device in a way that does not adversely affect the identification referred to in Art. 25 sec. 6d of the Act of 14 December 2012 on waste, hereinafter referred to as “act”.
4. The technical devices of the control system enable the use of the recorded image to reproduce it using the function of freezing the image on the screen while it is displayed, as well as making a copy of the image and downloading the record in electronic form and determining the place, date and time of the recorded events and activities.
5. The technical devices of the control system enable access to the real-time image referred to in Art. 25 sec. 6f of the Act, through the ICT system, using an appropriate telecommunications terminal device within the meaning of Art. 2 point 43 of the Act of July 16, 2004 – Telecommunications law (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1954, as amended3)).
6. The supply voltage of the control system is protected against unexpected decay, with backup for a period of at least 2 hours.
6. Interruptions in image recording are allowed only for the purpose of carrying out maintenance works on the control system, not longer than 48 hours in a calendar year, provided that the voivodship environmental protection inspector competent for the location of the waste storage or storage site is informed in advance at least three days in advance.

As for the storage of recordings, the following conditions are specified:

1. The registered image is stored on an electronic information carrier, hereinafter referred to as “medium”, which provides the ability to read the recorded image in a form that does not adversely affect the identification referred to in Art. 25 sec. 6d of the Act, in devices manufactured by various manufacturers, intended for this type of media.
2. The capacity of the storage medium allows you to store the recorded image for at least one month from the date of recording. The recorded image is deleted after one month from the date of its recording.
3. The carrier should be stored in a way that protects against data loss, harmful effects of chemicals, temperature, light, radiation or fire, and against mechanical damage, as well as access by unauthorized persons.
4. The room in which the carrier is stored should constitute a separate fire zone, separated in accordance with the conditions set out in the regulations issued on the basis of Art. 7 sec. 2 point 1 of the Act of July 7, 1994 – Construction Law (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1186, 1309, 1524, 1696 and 1712), which define the technical conditions to be met by buildings and their location.
5. Elements of the fire separation of the room referred to in para. 4, should have a fire resistance class of at least REI 120.
6. If the external walls of the room referred to in par. 4, do not constitute fire separation walls with a fire resistance class of at least REI 120, should be located at a distance of at least 20 m from the place of storage or storage of waste.
6. At the entrance to the landfill area, information about the control system must be posted.

We encourage you to contact our customer service department

After reading the above provisions of the regulation, it is clear that the system for each landfill will be different. In order to meet the requirements set for the system, professional solutions are needed that will guarantee trouble-free operation, identification and storage of recordings. Ordinary monitoring kits available in stores, while having the necessary options, may not meet all requirements and expose the landfill owner to heavy fines related to non-compliance with the regulation.

As an authorized distributor, we encourage you to contact us to evaluate and prepare a system that will meet the recommendations of the Minister of the Environment. Our consultants are well acquainted with the requirements for monitoring landfills and the hardware solutions available on the market. They will help you choose the right cameras, hard drive capacities and answer any question about the system.