Modern monitoring and security - check what possibilities they have!


Currently, technological solutions go much further than the basic monitoring function – video recording. Modern cameras offer excellent images thanks to advanced optics in resolutions up to 4K, allowing you to see every detail of the supervised space. Improvements such as WDR or BLC will optimize even the brightest beams of light that dazzle ordinary matrices.

Thermal imaging cameras or Darkfighter will register every movement even in complete darkness, thanks to which we will be notified of an intruder even faster. PanoVu series, Fisheye cameras or enabled corridor mode monitor spaces where previously several cameras were needed to be installed simultaneously. Smart functions will detect crossing a virtual line, leaving luggage unattended, the disappearance of an object and trigger an alarm. Smart Search will allow you to find an interesting event in the blink of an eye and show a video recording from a given moment, regardless of whether you want to find a person dressed in blue, a red car or the moment the goods disappear from the exhibition. Cameras with direct HDMI output will allow you to reduce costs if you only need a live view without recording recordings. As you can see, there are a lot of benefits and functions.

It is also worth emphasizing cost reductions with the use of modern cameras. In addition to the ability to reduce the number of devices needed, thanks to the new codecs, up to 80% less disk space and network bandwidth are required. Read the rest of the article to find out what opportunities the world of new technologies opens up to us!

Parking monitoring systems

On the topic of parking control, technology offers the ability to completely eliminate the need for human supervision. The basis is, of course, the space monitoring function in good quality. Static and rotating cameras can be used for this purpose. The use of professional cameras opens up many possibilities.

At the entrance, the camera will recognize and save the car's license plates, entry time and count how many cars are currently in the parking lot. Setting the smart function will trigger an alarm if someone enters a restricted zone. It is also possible to set automatic voice messages when some rules are broken. Advanced parking systems allow you to charge for parking and enable automatic entry for people with a subscription.

Shops and malls

When it comes to shopping centers, they are much larger facilities that include a significant number of shops. Reading license plates at entrances will allow you to collect statistics from which regions customers come from, which can later be used to profile advertising campaigns. The alarm system, fire protection system and monitoring of the entire facility give the opportunity to significantly increase the safety of buyers.

Store monitoring with the use of advanced functionalities allows you to collect a lot of valuable information. Customers entering the store will be counted at the entrance. Heat maps will show where the most customers go and how their shopping paths are going. Checkout queue control will notify you when the next counter should be opened. Monitoring of cash registers will allow you to record the sales process with the appearance of the goods scanned by the cashier on the video recording and the preview of the cash box. Sophisticated software systems will notify you of suspicious activity, so you can avoid theft and fraud and take immediate action. The use of all elements and drawing conclusions from the analysis carried out thanks to them allows you to optimize work and increase sales.

Service of industrial parks

The control of the industrial area is strongly related to the monitoring of the parking lot, and more specifically, the registration of vehicle entries to the company premises, the dock area and the employee parking lot. Number plate recognition cameras can automatically register vehicles entering the area and control entry gates. If weighing of delivery vehicles is required, this can also be done automatically. The camera connected to the scale will register the license plates and attach the weighing results, date and time, and the recording. The line crossing settings will allow you to exclude movement from the no-movement zones by triggering an alarm.

Thanks to access control, you can determine the access of groups of employees to given spaces and monitor working time. There are many options for this – cards enabling entry, fingerprint or face recognition (these functions can be combined within one system). The entire facility can be secured with an alarm and fire protection system. In addition, the entire area is covered by video surveillance.

PTZ, static or thermal cameras allow you to record from any place within the company, and the monitoring and alarm system guarantees even greater security. Modern monitoring can also help avoid unclear situations or errors. He can closely monitor the workplace, warehouse, packaging and shipping process. Before shipment, the barcode can be read and a photo taken. Thanks to these options, the goods are safe from start to finish and are easy to locate.

Thermal cameras installed in the warehouse make it possible to protect the facility against fire. Temperature analysis will allow you to detect the danger before it arises and immediately alert you in the event of a third party intrusion into the warehouse after working hours. State-of-the-art solutions using robotics allow for efficient warehouse and shipping operations. Warehouse robots take care of logistics in the warehouse by moving racks up to 1000 kg. Sorting robots and a weighing and coding system will allow for easy location of parcels and preparing them for shipment.

Intelligent solutions for housing estates

Thanks to modern technology, new housing estates can be not only safer, but also more functional. The space monitoring function is already a standard, modern monitoring can be introduced thanks to video intercoms. Combining them into one network will allow sending messages to all tenants, for example about planned maintenance works. The tenants themselves can also communicate with each other using them. Of course, their basic function is to connect the entrance to the facility with a given tenant. After connecting with the elevator, it is also possible to call it from the apartment, and the monitoring in the elevator additionally increases security and protects against vandalism.

The use of a concierge station allows one person to manage and control the entire estate, thanks to the view from the cameras and the ability to connect to each apartment or intercom at the entrance to the building. If the car park is shared, you can use a camera that recognizes license plates to automatically open barriers for residents or control them via a remote control or card. Thanks to the cameras aimed at the parking lot or other objects, it will always be possible to check the situations there. Viewing the playground via the website will increase the safety of children.

Hotels and guesthouses

Hotels require special inspection due to their function. Access control is the key here – access settings for groups of employees, or cards that open hotel rooms. Discreet installation allows you not to disturb the peace of guests and at the same time guarantee safety. Image analytics allows you to trigger an alarm in the event of unwanted events, such as leaving luggage unattended. The alarm system, fire protection system and parking control additionally allow to raise the standard and secure the area. Advanced hotel systems even allow for automatic settlement of the stay.

Modern monitoring of public spaces

Public spaces are increasingly covered by a monitoring system. Thanks to PTZ cameras, a detailed view is possible day and night, which allows you to detect undesirable behavior. Mobile cameras with their own power supply, even for several days, allow you to secure areas that require monitoring only for a short time and it is not profitable to install a standard system or it is difficult. They are ideal for securing public events that usually take place in large open spaces, away from buildings. Cameras can detect intrusion into unauthorized places, control roads, read license plates of cars entering given areas. Advanced image analytics will trigger an alarm after observing dangerous behavior, or quickly search for them on the video record, thanks to profiled detection.