MESH Wi-Fi network: what it is and how it works


Mesh network technology has its origins in military units. For some time, it has also been operating more and more often in large commercial or public facilities. A mesh network is a system for distributing a Wi-Fi wireless network over large areas. The construction of such a network is based on many access points forming a uniform network. Thanks to this solution, you can eliminate dead zones and significantly increase the zone covered by the wireless network. The mesh network also broadcasts only one SSID for the entire network, so that when moving around the area and at the same time using subsequent access points, our connection is unchanged. The network does not disconnect when entering the next distribution zone.

Areas of application of the Mesh network

The presented technology is an irreplaceable solution for large facilities that require a large area to be covered with a wireless network. The availability of products, however, makes it also suitable for homes! Each of us has certainly struggled with the problem of the lack of a network in various corners of the apartment. It's hard to place the router perfectly in the middle of the apartment to get good coverage. Even in this case, the range may not reach a certain place due to blocking it by walls or jamming it with other devices. Adding another router is not very convenient, after all, who would like to constantly switch between wifi networks? The solutions we use on smartphones are also becoming more and more popular. We are more likely to use Netflix or Spotify streaming on our phone instead of a computer or TV, but then we are still limited by the Wi-Fi range.

The mesh network is also an essential element of a smart home or wireless monitoring system. More and more devices can be controlled from the Internet, and the devices themselves require a Wi-Fi connection. While we can go to another room with the phone, a smart socket or lighting requires access to the network in the place where it is located and there are no compromises here.

mesh wifi