Haxon – RFID technology


Haxon - RFID Technology The Haxon iD Bank system is information about products whose identification is possible thanks to RFID technology that uses radio waves to read data.

The Haxon iD Bank system is information about products, the identification of which is possible thanks to the RFID technology that uses radio waves to read data from chips that mark individual products. Using RFID chips, a reader and proprietary software, customers have quick access to all necessary information about their resources.

This technology allows you to precisely determine the type and number of resources you have, and also allows you to determine their exact location. Using simple, intuitive software on our smartphone, we are able to significantly speed up the inventory work. In connection with sending data to the cloud, we can quickly and conveniently open them at any time, in any place. We have the ability to generate reports from the period we are interested in, which allows for easy, effective and quick analysis of any discrepancies.

RFID technology is used everywhere where we deal with objects and their movement. The technology allows you to read data on many items simultaneously at a distance of up to three meters from the reader's antenna without the requirement of optical contact. We can also save more data than in the case of a barcode. This allows you to effectively save our working time and make it easier to find products, even if they are locked in the wardrobe.

The platform, thanks to its operation in the cloud, does not require additional investments in the IT environment. It is also compatible with existing management support systems, and its maintenance cost is low. The undoubted advantage of the system is its convenience. Automatic counting or easy product finding is a significant work improvement for many industries. Online statistics available 24/7 allow for effective warehouse management and cost calculations.

There are many different types of resources in hospitals. In addition to textiles that require washing, there is also a large turnover of medical equipment for disinfection and furniture. Thanks to Sarup Hospital, you can not only make better use of the resources we currently have, but also increase work efficiency and improve the budget thanks to better control of resources. The system will allow you to control the quality of laundry services, verify the amount of textiles sent and received from the launderette, and effectively manage laundry billing. It will also make it easier to find a given resource and check its history to see how many times it has been used. Thanks to the integration with the cloud, we have 24/7 access to our assortment.

RFID marking is done using ingots, stickers or riveting. The labels are very durable and resistant to disinfectants and exploitation, which makes them ideal for marking medical equipment and surgical instruments. In addition to small mobile readers, there are also drive-through gates that allow you to count the assortment in laundry baskets.


over the resources and inventory levels


enabling effective management of settlement processes through precise recording


the history of the textile assortment and geolocation of laundry trolleys



precise monitoring of processes taking place in the company thanks to extensive system functions


real-time information available on-line 24/7


report generation function, streamlining the management process



Haxon HoReCa is a solution dedicated to hotels, guesthouses and SPA centers. It allows you to manage the efficiency of the use of hotel linen, all kinds of textiles, furniture or other resources. The use of HoReCa in the hotel industry allows you to control resources, but also the quality of services provided. Tagging mobile resources allows you to verify the equipment of the rooms, their number before and after the visit of guests.

Thanks to mobile readers, the staff can instantly check whether the room has everything that was there before the arrival of guests. They also make it possible to quickly find missing items, which eliminates lengthy searches of warehouses when something is missing. The history of use cycles will also guarantee the quality control of textiles. For example, if a towel has been washed a certain number of times, it is sure to be in a different condition than a new one. The system will allow us to check how many washing cycles have already been performed and to check whether the towel can be used further or whether it needs to be replaced.

Haxon Laundry is the basic application of the system, dedicated to industrial laundries. From the previous paragraphs, we know exactly what the system can be used for and how it works. Application in the laundry allows for flawless quality control.

Thanks to the entry gate, we save all the textiles that we collect, along with the registration of carts and drivers. Another gate monitors the textiles going to the ironer. In the clean warehouse, there is a packing table that allows you to check and correctly sort the textiles for release along with the assigned trolleys. The exit gate is the last stage that monitors clean textiles taken out of the laundry. It allows you to register and locate laundry carts that go to customers with textiles and assign a cart with textiles to a specific driver. The installation of the system allows you to track the turnover of textiles and know exactly where the goods are and to predict when they will be ready for delivery.

If you are interested in this solution, please contact our customer advisor!