
ASI1201A/ASI1201A-D is an ideal access control solution for a safe and convenient entry to anywhere. Thanks to the touch keyboard and the LCD display, it supports up to 30,000 valid cards and 150,000 records and can recognize many cards, including IC and EM cards. The device can be used with a card, password or combination and has a built -in TCP/IP interface to connect to the computer. It also has a WDEGAND or RS-485 interface for readers and emergency functions such as an alarm of the door opening time, burglary alarm, coercive alarm and sabotage alarm. Anti-pass back functions, opening many cards, program control of presence and 128 effective time and vacation schedules are also available. ASI1201A/ASI1201A-D is reliable and safe, and the Watch DOG function ensures uninterrupted operation of the device.

Technical specification

Key features

Producer: DAHUA