
Manage up to 100,000 users in database
Enroll demographics, photo, fingerprint/finger vein data (up to 10 fingers) and 3D face data
Encode MIFARE, DESFire and iClass contactless cards
Connect and configure up to 5,000 biometric readers via LAN, WAN or WiFi
Retrieve in real-time and store up to 1,000,000 access logs

Processor: Dual core CPU
Ports: 3 USB ports
Network: 100 Mbs Ethernet port required for client/server connections
Camera: Any USB webcam
Operating systems (client 32/64 bit, server 64 bit): Windows 7 SP1 / 8.1 / 10
Operating systems (client 64 bit, server 64 bit): Window

Najważniejsze cechy

Specyfikacja produktu
Producent: Bosch